Thawte SSL123
Thawte® SSL 123 is the most economical SSL certificate in the Symantec product family. These SSL certificates are most applicable when you need to encrypt transactions on a basic Web site or intranet. Thawte SSL123 is a domain validated SSL certificate and supports 40- to 256-bit encryption. Plus, you can display the Thawte Trusted Site Seal which provides visitors to your Web site a date-stamped seal that verifies the current validity of your SSL certificate.
Thawte SSL Web Server
Thawte® Web Server SSL certificates is the most economical organization validated SSL certificate we offer. These SSL certificates protect your customers’ sensitive data through 256-bit encryption. Plus, you can display the Thawte Trusted Site Seal which provides visitors to your Web site a date-stamped seal that verifies the current validity of your SSL certificate.
Thawte SSL Web Server EV
Thawte® SSL Web Server with EV is right for you if your customers need to exchange personal information with you via your website and you need to assure your e-commerce customers of your online identity. Extended Validation triggers the display of the green address bar in the latest high-security browsers, which is the most effective way to combat phishing.
Thawte SSL Web Server with EV is most economical EV SSL Certificate offered by the Symantec package. Plus, you can display the thawte Trusted Site Seal which provides visitors to your Web site a date-stamped seal that verifies the current validity of your SSL certificate.
Thawte SGC Super Certs
Thawte® SGC SuperCert provides the strongest encryption for every visitor on your Web site. It automatically steps up protection to a minimum 256-bit encryption even if your customers use older browsers which have limited 40-bit or 56-bit encryption capabilities. Plus, you can display the Thawte Trusted Site Seal which provides visitors to your Web site a date-stamped seal that verifies the current validity of your SSL certificate.
Thawte Prices
Product | 1 Year |
Thawte SSL123 | £ 30 |
Thawte Web Server | £ 95 |
Thawte Wildcard | £ 260 |
Thawte Web Server + EV | £ 143 |
Thawte Web Server + EV Multi-domain - 0 SANs included | £ 143 |