DigiCert Multi-Domain SSL - 3 SANs included
Use Subject Alternative Names (SANs) to Secure Your Entire Environment
Unified communications (UC) certificates (also called SAN certificates) use Subject Alternative Names to secure up to 4 domains, sites, and subdomains
with one certificate. For example, with a UC certificate you can secure www.example.com, www.example2.com, www.example3.net, mail.example.net, dev.example2.com, etc. This
makes UC certificates perfect for Exchange/OCS environments or any environment where you need to secure multiple names across different domains.
Product Features
- Organisation Validated
- Recommended for Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 and Office Communications Swever 2007
- Main domain plus 3 SAN included
- Secure up to 25 SAN's with one certificate
- 99.9% Browser recognition
- $1,000,000 warranty
Product Specification
- FREE secure site seal
- Unlimited server licensing
- FREE reissues during validity period